Authentication – Change User Account (BETA)

  • updated 10 mths ago


You can use this part to update user details dynamically in LogicNets.

NOTE: This part is currently in the Beta phase. You can only use this part if your company has enhanced privileges or a system package.

Node Type: This part is located in process nodes in the Users dropdown menu.

Used With: You can use this part with standalone and framework-based applications.

Editor Fields

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
Result If the system fails to change the user account, this is the error message the system displays. Data Object Optional
User The email address the system uses to identify the user. Text Mandatory
Updated user details

This is a container that contains the newly updated user information.

  • Type (server or empty)
  • guid (only used when type is server)
  • user_mail
  • first_name
  • middle_name
  • last_name
  • account_expiry_date (optional)
  • Settings (optional)
  • Data (optional)
  • default_language (optional)
Data Object Mandatory
Update user profile in session When this is checked the system will update the session user profile.

Default: off
Checkbox Optional
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  • 10 mths agoLast active
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