Settings Module: An Introduction

  • updated 4 yrs ago

Once you have established your AUC Portal account you can log in and set up your account by accessing the AUC Portal Settings Module. This button is on the left side of the screen and has a gears icon on it. This module is where you manage your personal and organization information as well as the standard settings the system should use whenever you access the portal. If you are an organization administrator, you can also go into the Settings Module to configure the organization's settings. 

Based on whether you are a user or an administrator, you will see different selection options in the Settings Module. The module contains the following sections:

  • My Profile – This is where you configure your user information, including your name and phone number.
  • My Organization – This section is where you configure information about your organization or add and configure a new organization.
  • My Organization Preferences – If you are an organization administrator, you can go to this section to configure the application settings for your organization.
  • My Preferences – This is where you can set your individual application settings, such as whether you want to work in Practice or Production mode.
  • My Connections – In this section you set your proxy relationships with other users.

Note: Once you have made changes to your settings, you will have to log out and log back in again to see the changes applied.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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