Settings Module: My Preferences

  • updated 4 yrs ago

On this screen you can configure your personal preferences for options in the AUC Portal.


AUC Validation Start Screen If you are a Provider or an Imaging Center user you can set the validation starting point to operate in one of two modes:
  • Priority Clinical Area: This mode allows you to start your AUC consultation by selecting the clinical area that is relevant to the patient. It lets you see which advanced imaging procedures are applicable and can be selected for validation through the CDSM.
  • CPT: This mode allows you to start your AUC consultation by selecting the advanced imaging order. You can search for the advanced imaging order by name or by CPT. The system will then indicate which priority clinical care guidelines are applicable and can be selected for the validation process.
You can change these preferences at any time, and you can always change modes as you use the system.
Usage Mode If you are a Provider or an Imaging Center user this option tells the system if you are validating an actual order or practicing in the system. The mode options are:
  • Practice: In this mode, you can become familiar with the AUC consultation function and with directing validation results to a specific imaging center, but the system does not create a unique consultation identifier (UCI). Consultations performed in Practice mode are free.
  • Production: This mode tells the system your interaction involves real patient cases and that the system should generate a valid UCI. The system also stores an audit trail of the consultation results for reporting and HIPAA compliance. There is a charge for consultations performed in Production mode.
If the mode at the organization level is set to "Practice" the system will ignore the usage mode setting at the individual level. However, if the usage mode at the organization level is set to "Production", you can still override that and set your individual usage mode to "Practice". This means you can continue to practice in the system even if the rest of your organization is working in Production mode.
User Guide If you are a Provider or an Imaging Center user and you have not finished using the system guidance you can click Resume. If you have completed the setup process but want to see the user guide again, click Restart.

This option is only available to users belonging to one or more Provider or Imaging Center organization. 
Default Organization This option is visible when you are a member of multiple organizations. It allows you to specify what your default organization should be when you log into the AUC Portal.

Remember to click Save to save your changes.

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