Settings Module: My Connections

  • updated 2 yrs ago

In this section you can review/edit your relationships to other users in the AUC Portal. Since connections are made at the user level, this section shows all connections between you and other portal users. If you are associated with multiple organizations the system will display all of your connections, no matter which organization is selected in the organization dropdown menu at the top-right of the screen.


My Proxy Authorizations

Proxy relations allow other staff members of your organization to serve as an ordering proxy for the ordering physicians. Remember that in the AUC Portal an ordering physician is a user with a current and valid NPI. In this section you can review the list of ordering physicians in your organization that have authorized you to serve as their ordering proxy.

User ID This is the ID of the physician who authorized you as an ordering proxy.
NPI This is the NPI of the physician who authorized you as an ordering proxy.

Delete a proxy relationship by clicking on the "-" next to that row.

My Proxy Delegations

If you are an ordering physician, you can authorize other members of your organization to become your ordering proxy in this section. The system only shows this section if you are an ordering physician.

User ID This is the ID of the user you authorized to serve as your ordering proxy.

Add a new proxy relationship by clicking on the "+" button under the grid and selecting the User ID of the user you want to authorize to act as your ordering proxy.

Delete a proxy relationship by clicking the "-" button at the end of that row. When you delete a proxy relationship the system sends that proxy an email telling them the proxy relationship has been revoked.

Remember to click Save to save your changes.

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