Framework Project Details (Common Settings Across Frameworks)

  • updated 4 yrs ago


While frameworks have some settings that are specific to that framework type, there are many settings that are common across all frameworks. This topic details those settings and provides links to topics with more information about features at the project level.

To view or change these settings, click on the name of your project in your Designer project tree. Then click Modify on the Details tab.

Editor Fields

The following table lists the common fields across all projects and frameworks.

Project Details Page Setting


Project name

This field is where you enter the name of your project. The system will also use this as the default name of your published package. You can use the following characters in this field: a-z A-Z 0-9 (space) _ - . : @ < > % ( )


This is a free-text field in which you can enter the name or names of the author of your project.


This is a free-text field that allows you to enter any version number or description you choose. The system does not use this field for version details.

Project id

This field is a unique reference identifier for your project. In general, it is most useful for on-premise installations to identify your project on a particular server.


This free-text field provides space for you to enter notes, names of editors, manual version-control information, and similar information. 




This dropdown menu is where you set the type for your project. The choices in this menu are as follows:

  • standalone - This means your project does not use a framework.
  • based on framework - This means your project uses a framework.
  • framework - This means your project IS a framework.
Your selection changes the other fields you see in the General section.


This dropdown menu displays the framework options that are available if you selected based on framework from the Type dropdown menu. 

Default Datamodel

Each logicnet can reference a unique or shared data model. If you select a data model in this field the system applies that data to all logicnets in the model. For more info on data models see Data and Datamodels.

Test/Debug parameters

In this field you can add URL-based parameters to the ‘test’ or ‘debug’ URL, which allow you to pass those parameters into your project and provide specific variables on start; for example, “&myadditionalparam=1&param2=2”.

The system stores these values in the _startvars data objects for your application.

Start code

This is the start code assigned to every published version of your project. Generally, you can leave this field blank and specify the start code at the time of publishing.

Session time-out (minutes)

This is the amount of time in minutes that each session for your published application will remain active. See Session Expiry for additional information.

Library projects

If you have logicnets in one project that you want to use in another project you can copy-paste-link them or you can create a library of logicnets to include in multiple projects. See Libraries for more information.



Application page layout template

LogicNets applications use a page layout that dictates the major sections visible on the page (tokens). For framework-based projects the page layout is inherited from the framework, but you can create and assign a layout template that overrides the inherited layout--where sections appear on the page. See Custom Screen Layout and Structure for more information.

Launcher icon (min. 72x72)

This field is where you can identify the filename of any custom icon to show to authorized users on your application's landing page.

Bundle JavaScript files

Combining JavaScript and/or CSS files can reduce load times, as each call to the server requires additional time. See Combine JavaScript/CSS Files for additional information.

CSS files

In this field you can reference your CSS files. See Combine JavaScript/CSS Files for additional information.



Require Authentication

You can required that your application users are authenticated with this dropdown menu. See Roles and User Access Overview for additional information.


You can set the roles types that are applicable for your application. See Roles and User Access Overview for additional information.

Run without creating sessions

By default, every session has a unique session identifier in the URL, and that session identifier cannot be copied and used in another window of the same browser or a different browser. If you want to allow users to be able to copy and use your application in multiple windows, select from the options in this dropdown menu. See Run without Creating Sessions for more information.

VERB whitelist
VERB blacklist
VERB fallback as

In Logicnets applications, all actions from the browser to the server use a verb that indicates the action the server must take. By default, certain verbs are whitelisted. This section allows you to extend the list of whitelisted and blacklisted verbs.



Enable Translations

LogicNets allows you to provide different language translations for text in your application. See MLS Overview for more information.

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