Healthcare Integration & Interoperability (HI&I) Suite

  • updated 1 yr ago

LogicNets has created a range of functionality designed to enable the tight integration of LogicNets-authored content and applications into the clinical workflow.  These components include modules for handling informatics, integrating with workflow systems, and creating computable digital guideline exports for external execution within the workflow.   These components map across the different categories of the LogicNets modular architecture, including authoring tools, frameworks, runtime components, and connectors. Used in conjunction, they allow content to be created based on healthcare informatics standards and to be seamlessly integrated into the clinical workflow through leading interoperability protocols and standards.

The HI&I Suite components are currently released in a controlled release status as LogicNets seeks to maximize the range of informatics and integrated workflow scenarios that are known to be fully supported prior to general release.  Controlled release components are provided in conjunction with LogicNets services required for addressing each customer’s unique deployment scenarios.  


 Informatics Authoring Module (LN-INF)

 Informatics Runtime Module (LN-INR)

 LogicNets CDS Hooks Framework

 LogicNets FHIR Export Modules

 LogicNets Voice Recognition Connector


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