LogicNets Voice Recognition Connector (LN-VOI)

  • updated 10 mths ago

License: Per User of Voice-driven LogicNets Applications

  1. Supports use of both named and concurrent user licenses
  2. Currently available in conjunction with the Assessment Framework (ASF)    
  3. Requires separate acquisition from the provider of the integrated Voice Recognition product including any required audio equipment.  LogicNets does not provide support for these components. 
  4. Currently supported vendors:,      G2 Speech

LN-VOI Description

The LogicNets Voice Recognition Connector allows supported  Use Case Frameworks (in particular the ASF) to operate in conjunction with integrated voice recognition systems.  The feature allows the framework to be configured to react to voice-driven commands.   Users can speak the name of navigation options from the Framework display.  They can specify any displayed topic tab they wish to activate and indicate the name of the question they wish to answer.  Having navigated to an item, they can then speak the data entry.   For pre-set selection inputs, they speak the caption label.  They can also speak free-form numeric and text values for text and number inputs.  Commands to delete or amend incorrect responses are included.  

LogicNets currently supports Voice Recognition tools from G2 Speech (a Recognosco-based system).  Application admins access and set VR configuration options through the Use Case Framework configuration interface. 

Services and Deployment Considerations

The LogicNets Voice Recognition Connector requires Deployment Services (LN-DS) for integration into any user environment.  Services can include:

  • Training for application admins including integration into applications and use of configuration tools for the feature. 


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