System Settings General Tab

  • updated 2 mths ago


The System Configuration package contains multiple configuration options, which are organized into different tabs that display at the top of the screen. This article contains information about options/configurations located on the General tab. 

Configuration Settings

Field Options Details
Extend socket logging

- Default
- No
- Yes

It is possible to enable extended error logging for web services when you have access to your LogicNets runtime installation/server access. See the Extended Error Logging section in the call webservice part topic.
Logging profile

- Full Speed
- Production
- Ext. Production
- Debug

This field allows you to set the logging profile of the application during runtime. You can make a change to the logging profile of an application without needing to reinstall the application. The four levels of logging are Full Speed, Production, Ext. Production, and Debug, and they range from collecting the fewest logs to the most.  For more details about setting and using logging profiles, contact your LogicNets Product Manager. See Logging Events in LogicNets for more information about logging.
Log inbound webservice calls

- Default
- No
- Yes

If you set this option to Yes, the system creates a log for each inbound webservice call.
Log outbound webservice calls

- Default
- No
- Yes

If you set this option to Yes, the system creates a log for each outbound webservice call.
Enable profiler

- Default
- No
- Yes

If this setting is enabled the system generates performance logs for all sessions and stores them in <install-path>\dat\profiling. LogicNets recommends doing a performance measurement per session using the performance measurement tool. For more information, see Measure Application Performance.
Enable session timeout timer

- Default
- No
- Yes

LogicNets has a session timeout mechanism that sets a timeout window when a user logs into an application and expires a user's session and logs the user out of an application after that timeout period. You can use this field to enable that mechanism. See Session Timeout and Session Expiry for more details about setting and using this feature.
Session timeout Numeric Field If you have set the Enable session timeout timer field to 'Yes', this field is where you enter the number of minutes after which the system will time out the session.
Do not periodically refresh the session token

- Default
- No
- Yes

The system uses this setting to keep parent sessions alive when a child session is active. By default, this is turned on and you should only turn this off in the case of session expiry or performance issues. See Session Timeout for more information. 
Default data model scope

- Default
- Project
- Project and libraries
- Current logicnet
- Current logicnet and libraries

In the Designer you can view the data model of a logicnet or a project. This setting allows you to set the default data model scope.
Cookie consent policy Text Field This is the location/name of the page that the system opens when a user clicks the "learn more" link in the website cookie statement at the bottom of the screen.
Move changelog data to enterprise database (Rel 8.1+) LogicNets uses the changelog_ctx table to store system data that includes user information, session details, package information, actions taken my users, and the dates on which actions happened. You can set up a cron job to move that data to a different database. See Move changelog Data to Enterprise Database with a Cron Job for more details.
Remote Database connection string Text Field This is the connection string of the database to which the system should transfer the changelog data.
Device name Text Field This is the name of the machine on which the database resides.
Number of logs uploaded per run Numeric Field This is the number of logs for the system to upload to the connected database. The default is 1000.
Changelog data pruning (Rel 8.1+) The changelog table is the source of the data in the Standard Reporting package and you can use this data for custom reporting applications with specific modeling and custom views. Each system or application event adds a record to the table, and the table can grow to a significant size over time, depending on use and scope of LogicNets applications.

LogicNets recommends limiting the changelog table with large and/or heavy use applications, especially those using the LogicNets Assessment Framework. If the table grows exceptionally large, the first noticeable impact will be that the Standard Reporting package takes longer to present information on screen and recalculate when changing user inputs. Also note the following:
  • You can substantially reduce logging by turning this off in the project settings for each Assessment Framework project. Click here for more information.
  • The changelog is NOT used as the standard means of backup for LogicNets-hosted applications. 
Number of days to keep logs Numeric Field This feature allows the System Administrator to remove records that are beyond a given timeframe, as follows:
  • The default setting is OFF, which means the system will not delete records from the changelog table.
  • If you enter a value of 366 the system stores 12 months of changelog events in the table, including leap years.
  • If you enter a value of 549 the system stores 18 months of changelog events in the table, including leap years.
The system deletes logs on a daily basis records date-stamped outside of the number of days specified.
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  • 7 mths agoLast active
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