Assessment Framework Project Settings

  • updated 8 mths ago


The Assessment Framework allows you to customize its behavior, including enabling/disabling features; managing styling using CSS stylesheets; customizing text like browser tab title and report table title, for example; and using customization plugin logicnets. See Customization Nets/Folders in Assessments for more information. This topic describes the customization features that are located on the project Framework tab.

Project Settings

The following table contains information about the customizable settings.

Project Setting Description
Title The system will display text entered in this field as the title in the standard top bar.
Name The system will display text entered in this field as part of the standard top bar
Version The system will display text entered in this field as part of the standard top bar
Browser Title Text The system will display text entered in this field in the browser tab. See Change Browser Tab Text for more information.
Form Captions This field sets the title of the observation panel. The system's default behavior to is to populate the title of the observation panel with the form title or the name of the logicnet if this field is empty. 
Body class You can use this setting to control the CSS behavior in the Assessment Framework. Leave this field blank for default system behavior or to specify body class for specific in-line styles modelled in your logicnets.
Conclusion Net
Diagnose Net
Tabs Net
Init Net
Post validate net
You can use these fields to display additional tabs and control actions. See Customization Nets/Folders in Assessment for more information about each of these fields.
Report Intro This field allows you to enter standard text the system displays at the top of the right-side panel (Smartzone/Echo Back), and on default on-screen/PDF reports. You may use this field to display a disclaimer or introductory report paragraph.
Report net
Post report net
You can use these fields to display additional report information. See Customization Nets/Folders in Assessment for more information about each of these fields.
Generate PDF on exit This dropdown menu allows you to determine if the system places a binary PDF blob in the XML output.
Hide report tab If you want your application to display the Smart Zone/Echo back panel (normally on the right side of the standard ASF), set this to No. Set it to Yes to hide the report tab.
Report tab caption When your application uses the Report tab the caption defaults to Report. You can override that caption with text entered in this field.
Export report When this dropdown is set to Yes the system places the report in the output XML message.
Hide conclusion tab When your application uses the Conclusion tab the caption defaults to Conclusion. You can override that caption with text entered in this field.
Export conclusion If this dropdown menu is set to Yes the system places the conclusion, which is based on the conclusion logicnet output, in the output XML message.
Hide info tab The system can display additional information to your application users, normally as content references and/or Knowledge Center articles on the right side of the screen. If you set this dropdown menu to Yes the system will hide that information.
Info tab caption When your application uses the Info tab the caption defaults to Information. You can override that caption with text entered in this field.
Auto show info When you set this dropdown menu to Yes the system displays any Help articles associated with a node or logicnet when your application user selects a node or logicnet.
Show info in popup When you set this dropdown menu to Yes the system displays Help articles in a popup window.
Pin info on click By default, when a user clicks on or overs over a reference help icon the system displays content, and the content disappears when the user overs the mouse outside the help icon. When you set this dropdown menu to Yes the reference content item stays visible until the user clicks on this icon or on another help icon.
Enable notes
Custom notes net
Using the standard Notes functionality in the Assessment Framework you can attach Questions, Actions, and Information notes to specific questions in an assessment. See Notes in Standard Assessment Framework Configuration for more information about these fields.
Error checking mode
Question navigation mode
The Error checking mode dropdown menu allows you to tell the system to perform error checking on the active page (Only the current tab) or all pages (All tabs).  

Similarly, with the Question navigation mode dropdown menu you can tell the system to auto-advance on the current page only (Only current tab) or to advance to the next tab when appropriate (All tabs) when navigating to the next question.
Auto Scroll behavior With this dropdown menu you can tell the system to move the screen to bring the active question into view (Move active question into view), or to leave the screen in place for the user to adjust as necessary (Stay at original position).
When you enable this option the system writes logs to the changelog database, and these logs can be used for audit and reporting.
Custom assessment close message When you add text to this field the system will display the text in a popup screen when users close their browser.
Topbar net The Assessment Framework includes a default logicnet that manages the top bar. You can create a customized top bar logicnet. See Customization Nets/Folders in Assessment for additional information.
Custom CSS
Custom JS
Custom PDF CSS
The Assessment Framework contains default styling managed by CSS and JS files, but you can create customized files for the runtime UI and/or PDF output, which you name in these fields. See Customized CSS in LogicNets Applications or Customized JS in LogicNets Applications for more information.
Customize PDF link text/filename

The Assessment Framework PDF output (license required) presents via a link on the Report popup. Customize this link, or if not specified, the default is "Assessment Report PDF"

 Similarly, the filename of the PDF can be specified here, or if left blank, the filename will be the name of the application (see 2nd item above). For a dynamic filename use a set data object part in the report logicnet to set _settings.custom_PDF_filename to one or more data objects from your model. You can also use the set date/time part to include a timestamp.

- set the custom filename to this: PDF_for_$(department)_printed_$(now_date) 
- result is: PDF_for_Accounting_printed_20240125

Show PDF styling tools in test mode To help with styling the PDF output, turn this on to access am HTML version of the PDF and/or upload HTML versions to see how they appear using the custom PDF CSS. For more information see this article.
Pre start protocol net
Post load net
Post submit net
Post save net
Tabs net
The Assessment Framework contains default actions for when users open and close an application; however, you can create customized logicnets for additional behaviors. See Customization Nets/Folders in Assessment for more information.
Custom XSLT The system presents an XML-formatted output message when a user clicks Save or Submit in test mode. The system uses a standard XML format as a default, but you can use this field to provide a custom XML format.
Enable speech recognition
Speech recognition language
Speech reporting group
Speech Navigation Sound
Speech Recognized Sound
When using the LogicNets Assessment Framework you have the ability to enable end-users of your application to use voice controls to answer questions and to navigate through the assessments. See Speech Introduction for more information.
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