Measure Application Performance

  • updated 3 yrs ago

To measure the performance of an application you run your application in test or production mode and copy the session number in the URL address bar from the application into the Performance Measurement package.

1. Run your application in Test or Production.

2. From the URL address bar, copy the session id.


3. On the Designer dashboard click the Performance Measurement icon.

4. Enter the session id code from your application in the Session code to track field.

    Note: By clicking the checkbox next to Disable Logging/ Run at full speed you can exclude debug logging in the tracking. To turn on debug logging, uncheck the checkbox.

5. Click Start.

6. Click the Stop button to stop the performance measurement and to enable the Report button.

7. Click the Report button to download an html file with performance results to your local mach

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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