System Settings Configuration

  • updated 4 mths ago


The LogicNets system provides a settings file in which you configure basic configuration settings. You can change this file to configure it more specifically for your company and LogicNets-based applications. 


To make changes to LogicNets' standard configuration you modify the company settings.cfg file. This file is located in c:/logicnets/dat/bnt/<company-name>/settings.cfg. However, for many changes you can access the settings through the System Configuration package on your dashboard.

This contains settings for the following topics:

  • General settings, including logging profile and session timeout duration
  • Security, including whitelisted directories
  • Authentication, including settings related to password policies and email templates for password reset
  • Localization of default date and time formats
  • Maintenance, including customizing your offline maintenance message
  • Multi-language support
  • Database settings, including external database settings
  • E-mail, including the "from email" used in LogicNets-application-generated emails
  • Designer details, including LUA script validation and XML generation on publish

Click on the links above to view the community article detailing the configuration options.

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