
  • updated 1 yr ago

Frameworks Description

“Frameworks” are pre-configured applications built in LogicNets that provide the infrastructure to match modeled logic to the use case requirements.   “Use Case” Frameworks implement a specific interactive user experience around the organization’s modeled content to match the requirements of a particular use case.  Function Frameworks provide special processing capabilities, such as presenting a web service API to external systems, that can be layered on other LogicNets applications to enhance the overall available functionality.  LogicNets Frameworks are highly configurable and can even be combined with customer-built customization layers to meet the specific needs of the organization.  

The use of frameworks allows the organization’s subject matter experts (SMEs) to focus on modeling their expert process knowledge by separating that modeling from the components in which application behavior is controlled.  LogicNets has identified a range of common application use cases and created preconfigured frameworks that automatically deliver the required application behavior for that use case separate to SME-modeled content.  For instance, Use Case Frameworks can divide the screen into multiple, contextually linked functional areas, each of which can run separate SME-modeled content, automatically coordinating the relationship between those areas…for instance, collecting user input in one screen area and dynamically generating computed results from processing of that input in another area. 

Note that Customers can re-configure LogicNets-provided frameworks or they can even create their own framework applications to meet their own unique requirements.

Services and Deployment Considerations

Frameworks can be reconfigured and/or customized with the support of LogicNets Pro Services either through:

  1. Design and Deployment services in which LogicNets implements functionality 
  2. Training Services to enable customer staff to configure standard features or create their own “custom” frameworks


 LogicNets Assessment Framework (LN-ASF)

 LogicNets Support Center Framework (LN-SCF)

 LogicNets Visual Guidelines Navigator Framework (LN-VGN)

 LogicNets Starter App Framework (LN-SAF)

 LogicNets Knowledge Center (Run-Time User) (LN-KCU)

 LogicNets Web Services Framework (LN-WSF)


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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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