LogicNets Visual Guidelines Navigator Framework (LN-VGN)

License: per user of VGN Framework-based applications
- Supports use of both named and concurrent user licenses
- Includes integrated Starter App
- Commonly used options include: Knowledge Center, CDS Hooks Framework, PDF Module
LN-VGN Description
The Visual Guidelines Navigator is a LogicNets framework application that allows run-time users to visually interact with modeled decision logic pathways. The framework graphically displays the organization’s modeled content – such as guidelines and algorithms – so that users can interact with any of the various steps and progress through the logic flow, including jumping ahead and backtracking. It can present forms questionnaires along with the visual models to simplify data entry in conjunction with visualization. It also enables access to any form of digital resources, such as detailed explanations, linked contextually to specific questions or display information.
The framework is often selected to support more skilled and knowledgeable users who don’t seek step-by-step guidance, but rather wish to see the entire decision-making landscape and use the visual representation to remind themselves of available pathways and endpoints.
The VGN can be integrated with external systems (such as EHR or ERP programs) through the use of standard web services or the Web Services or CDS Hooks function frameworks.
Services and Deployment Considerations
The VGN requires delivery in conjunction with additional Pro Services (LN-DS, LN-TS) including any of
- Designer training
- Application-level user and role management setup
- Basic customer-specific UI styling and layout
- Setup of web services for external applications and integration with the Starter App
- Customer-specific setup of content triggers and calculators
- Customer-specific setup of structured data output via web services
- Healthcare-specific support of medical codesets/informatics and EHR integration
These services usually require development and acceptance by customer of a formal SoW)