New LogicNets Installation

  • updated 1 yr ago


The following steps explain how to install LogicNets on a Windows or Linux system, including prerequisites before installing the software.

Software Download

LogicNets maintains a download site from which customers can download the LogicNets installation package. This site is password protected and each customer has a protected folder. Please contact your account manager for the URL for this site as well as for a username and password.


Before installing and configuring the LogicNets software, the person responsible for the installation must ensure the hardware and software prerequisites are met. For a list of these, go to LogicNets Installation: System Requirements/Prerequisites.

Installation Preparation

To prepare your installation, perform the following actions:

  1. Copy the LogicNets installation package (e.g. LN-201611070441_10113_10114_30.zip) to your system.
  2. Extract/unzip the installation package. Note: There are several folders inside the unzipped package:

    a. Manuals: This folder contains system and user manuals.
    b. Components: This folder contains all licensed LogicNets components.
    c. Windows (optional): This folder contains the LogicNets installation for Windows.
    d. Linux (optional): This folder contains the LogicNets installation for Linux.
    e. Packages (optional): This folder contains customer-specific packages.

The LogicNets installation package allows for single-script installation and multiple-script installation methods.

  • Setup Script: This is a single-script installation for Windows using IIS to host the site. It performs IIS configuration and installs or updates dependencies, the LogicNets run-time, and LogicNets system components. It also installs available customer-specific packages.
  • Install Script: This is a single-script installation for Windows/Unix. It installs or updates the LogicNets run-time, LogicNets system components, and customer-specific packages (when available).
  • Installation Steps: This is a multiple-script method that installs the system run-time, system components, and a customer package.

Setup.bat Single-Script Installation

To use this installation method for Windows using IIS to host the site, do the following:

  1. Go to the folder into which you extracted the downloaded zip file.
  2. Navigate to an execute the setup.bat script.
  3. Enter the location in which you want the system to install LogicNets. The default location is the folder in which the file was extracted.

  4. Press Continue when you have entered or approved the installation location or click Try Again to change the installation folder. Note: The system will only display this question if no website is hosted from the target location.

  5. (Optional Step) The installer will install the Visual C++ Redistributable.
  6. (Optional Step) The installer will install the IIS Rewrite Module.
  7. Enter a company name in the prompt. This is the name that will be part of the site URL. Click OK when finished.

  8. (v8.1+) Enter an email address for the system admin. If you enter a valid email address the system creates an admin user account, which can be used to log in to and configure the system. You can use the Forgot Details button on the logon page to retrieve a temporary password by mail if there is an SMTP relay service configured on the server; see Email from On-premise Hosted Server for more information. You can also use the command-line tool to reset the password or create an admin user after completing the installation; see Access Management Tasks for more information.

  9. Enter a site name in the prompt. This is the display name that will be shown in the IIS configuration. Click OK when finished.

  10. Enter the URL in the prompt. This is the URL web binding that IIS uses to present the correct site. Leave this field empty if there is no URL or if there is already an installation present. NOTE: Do not use underscores in the domain name, as not all browsers support them.

  11. Click OK and the installer will begin the installation process.

Single-Script Installation

  1. Navigate to the folder into which you installed the zip file.
  2. Execute the install script.
  3. Fill in the company name: for example, democompany.
  4. Fill in the installation target; for example, enter c: to install logicnets in the c:\logicnets folder, which is the standard location.
  5. When the script completes, configure your webserver to use this installation.

Multiple-Script Installation

  1. Navigate to the Linux or Windows folder in the folder into which you extracted the zip file. 
  2. Start the install_runtime script. If you provide a location parameter--for example, c:\logicnets--the system will install the software there. If you do not provide a location parameter the system will use the following default locations:
    - Windows: c:\logicnets 
    - Linux: \var\www\logicnets
  3. After the install_runtime script completes, configure your webserver to use this installation.
  4. Create a company and user for a new installation. See Create a New Company and Create (First) Admin User for more information.
  5. Navigate to the components folder in the installation and run the install_components script. This installs and registersall licensed LogicNets components in installed local companies.

Silent-Mode Installation

LogicNets also allows you to perform silent-mode installation, which requires no user interaction. This is a convenient way to streamline the installation process and you can use this method by calling the setup.bat file with the following arguments: setup.bat silent <install path> <host_name>. For example, setup.bat silent C:\InstallerTest\Acmecorp acme.logicnets.local.

After Installation

After completing installation you can install your packages. See Install a Published Package for more information.

  • Open your browser and enter the following URL: http://_DOMAIN_/_COMPANY_/logicnets.lns?verb=start&code=logon 
    NOTE: If you are using IE as your browser, it must not be running in compatibility mode.
  • The default user name (if you didn't change this during an earlier installation) is available from your Project Manager or Technical Lead at LogicNets.

Note: Version 7.3 and higher of LogicNets enforces the use of encrypted traffic to ensure the security of customer data, which means that you must use HTTPS. Check your IIS bindings to verify that HTTPS has been correctly configured if you have problems opening LogicNets once you have installed it. For more information about configuring HTTPS, go to LogicNets Installation: Configure HTTPS.

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