Email from On-premise Hosted Server

  • updated 8 mths ago


LogicNets offers email functionality that allows you to model functionality to send email to the outside world. Before this functionality can be used, however, you must correctly configure the server running LogicNets. This article addresses the configuration required if you want to send mails with a from address that uses your own domain. 

Option 1: Basic Setup (Not Recommended)

You can configure LogicNets applications  to send emails, which requires that you configure an SMTP server. The default setup is that the mail server is reachable on the localhost via port 25. 

_global = {
    SMTP_SERVER = "localhost",
    SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS = "noreply@logicnets.com",
    SMTP_PORT = 25,

The default setup can be changed by placing the configuration in the company settings file. The typical setup will look like this:

 This setup is not suitable when you want to use your own domain as the from address. It is also not suitable when you want to use SPF, DKIM, and/or DMARC functionality to ensure that your mails are not treated as SPAM.

Option 2: Advanced Setup for Using Own Domain

To use your corporate mail server,  use the following setup:

  • Install a localhost relay mail server (e.g. MailEnable) on the server where LogicNets is installed. See https://www.mailenable.com or II6 for Windows or Postfix for CentOS.
  • Configure this localhost mail server to relay all incoming messages to another SMTP server. If you are using MailEnable, you must enable Smart Host in the SMTP properties.

This option is suitable for implementations that include SPF, DKIM, and/or DMARC functionality to reduce the risk that your mails are treated as SPAM. Your central mail server and DNS does not need to be adapted, since the local mail server sends all the mails to the central mail server first and all recipients think that the mails are sent from the trusted central mail server. The communication between the local and central mail server uses the SMTP protocol, which is the same protocol used to send email through an internet service provider. The central mail server needs to set up an email account and password, which are used by the local mail server as credentials in the SMTP protocol.

Note: Windows Server 2012 and later offer out-of-the-box SMTP relaying. This feature is not available on Windows 7 or Windows 10 versions.

The following links provide information on setting up email relay:

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