Access Management Tasks

  • updated 3 yrs ago


With Release v7.4, LogicNets introduced a new command-line script that allows you to manage users, groups, and other elements. This access-management script is located in the system/scripts folder of your installation and is called accessmanagement.bat for Windows and accessmanagement.sh for CentOS. When you run this script without parameters or with the –help parameter the system returns the list of available commands and parameters.


When you run the access-management script, you have the options detailed below.


Access Management

accessmanagement <adduser|removeuser|resetpassword|addgroup|removegroup|extaccountinfo|addextaccount|removeextaccount> <company> [<action-params>]

--help showing this help information


Add User

accessmanagement adduser <company> [<firstname> <middlename> <lastname> <email> <usercompany> [<password>] [<status>] [<pass_expires_after_n_days>']] [--createworkspace] [--groups=<grp1>[,<grp2>]]

company Company in the installation
firstname User's first name
middlename User's middle name
lastname User's last name
email User's email address
password Initial password. If this is left empty the system will generate a password.
status Initial status. If this is left empty the system will set the status to 'active'.
pass_expires_after_n_days Number of days the password will be valid. If this is left empty the system will set the temporary password expiration time.
--createworkspace Create workspace.

Comma-separated list of groups to which to add a user.


Remove User

accessmanagement removeuser <company> [<email>]

company Company in the installation
email User's email address


Reset Password

accessmanagement resetpassword <company> [<email> [<password>]]

company Company in the installation
email User's email address
password New password. If this is left empty the system will generate a password.


Add Group

accessmanagement addgroup <company> [<group-name>]

company Company in the installation
group-name Group name


Remove Group

accessmanagement removegroup <company> [<group-name>]

company Company in the installation
group-name Group name


Ext Account Info

accessmanagement extaccountinfo <company>


Add Ext Account

accessmanagement addextaccount <company> <url> <purpose> <user-name> <plain-text|RS256> <password>|<path-to-privatekey-pem>

company Company in the installation
url Base URL of the remote server
purpose Purpose of account. Use accessmanagement extaccountinfo <company> to list possible purposes.
user-name User name
password-type plain-text|RS256
password plain-text password or RS256 private key (PEM format)
-to-privatekey-pem Path to file containing RS256 private key (PEM format)


Remove Ext Account

accessmanagement removeextaccount <company> <url> <user-name>

company Company in the installation
url Base URL of the remote server
user-name User name
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