Content Authoring Software Parts
The LogicNets components described in this section are used to create, deploy, curate, and manage applications in LogicNets. Licenses for these "authoring" components enable content authors to create decision support applications that can then be accessed by the application end-users based on separate licenses for the run-time components described in the sections that follow. The basic LogicNets authoring parts that are options for and can be licensed by any organization include the following:
LogicNets Knowledge Center (LN-KC)
LogicNets Chart Authoring Module (LN-CHA)
LogicNets also provides a set of authoring parts that offer significant value to organizations creating and curating applications at a large scale – “enterprise” scale usage. LogicNets makes these Enterprise Authoring components available exclusively through its Enterprise Authoring Bundle (LN-EAB) and they include:
LogicNets Shared Workspaces (LN-WSP)
LogicNets Deployment Manager (LN-WSP-D)
LogicNets Test Manager (LN-TEM)