Add a New User

  • updated 3 yrs ago


There are several ways you can grant new users access to your application:

  • Add the user manually using the User Management module
  • Approve a user request to access the application
  • Set up and use a license/promo code

Add a New User Manually via the User Management Module

  1. Navigate to the User Management module and click on new in the main page showing all existing users.

  2. Enter the new user's email address and choose the type of access (default for normal users, admin for administrative users, or server for server-to-server calls).
  3. Enter the pertinent information associated with the user's new account. See below for more information on each field.


  • Enter the meta data for the user, including First NameLast NameCompany.
  • Password is never displayed or manually created by the Administrator. It is only generated automatically and emailed to the user directly.
  • Effective password policy and Effective multifactor authentication are defined by the System Configuration module (see User Management Settings in System Configuration Package) for all users.
  • Status shows the current status of the user. Leave as ACTIVE unless setting up users for a future "Go Live" date, in which case this can be changed to INACTIVE.
  • Account expiry can be set to a definitive future date when access is be blocked. For open-ended use, or when managing access via license codes, account expiry should be left blank here.
  • Password expiry is completed automatically, based on the password expiry default for initial/reset password defined in System Configuration module (see User Management Settings in System Configuration Package) for all users.
  • Using Groups (mandatory from Release 7.4 on) are a best practice for managing access for many users of the same type (e.g. granting access to a new or updated application). The dropdown list is populated from the Groups tab at the top of User Management.
  • Packages on dashboard (optional in v 7.3, can only be done at group level in v 7.4) can be used to allocate a specific application (package) to a specific user. Otherwise, application access is usually managed via the Groups facility.
  • Workspaces on dashboard (optional in v 7.3, can only be done at group level in v 7.4) can be used to allocate a specific workspace (collection of development and published applications) to a specific user. Otherwise, workspace access is usually managed via the Groups facility.

Once the above information is completed, the Administrator should SAVE the record. They can then immediately trigger an email to the new user that includes a URL link and temporary password by highlighting the new user record and clicking the RESET PASSWORD button (shown in screenshot above to right of NEW/MODIFY/DELETE buttons). 

All email templates, including the password reset triggered here can be edited/customized in the System Configuration module.

Note that users set up for server-to-server calls do not receive password emails. For this user type, a password is shown on screen one-time only during set-up.

Add a New User via the Request Access Process

Any potential user with knowledge of the login URL for your application can click on the Request Access link shown here and complete the Request Access form.


As long as administrator emails are preset in the System Configuration module, this will trigger a new record in the User Management module and email notifications to the Administrator and New User (also customizable in the System Configuration module).

On the main page of User Management, the Administrator can see access requests and allow or deny them accordingly. Note that multiple requests can be processed at once.


Note that accepting a request generates the activation email and temporary password immediately. Any additional user constraints (allocation to a group, selection of package etc. can/should be done immediately in the main User Management screen per above.


it is also possible to automatically assign users to a predetermined user group and grant immediate access to the associated packages/roles. The specific configuration options for this process are managed in the System Configuration package.

Add a New User via a License/Promo Code

If a license/promo code has been shared with potential new users, they can access and submit the Request Access form as above, including the license/promo code.

See Using License/Promo Codes and other articles for more information on setup and management.

Depending on the promo code setup, this Request will automatically grant access to the user, assign them to a predetermined group (governing access to applications) assign an access expiry date, and a set of customized email reminder notifications as needed.

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