Using License / Promo Codes

  • updated 4 yrs ago

The User Management functionality of the Designer allows users to set up Promo Codes, which allow application admins to grant access to LogicNets applications on a temporary basis for a potentially large group of people without the need to formally approve specific users. Promo Codes allow for user self-service to create an account.

Promo Codes can be used to give an anonymous user access to a group account; for example, to show a user what they can do with an account. They can also be used to set up a shared group account using identified email addresses. They give users a fast way to get an account, and the Promo Code tells the system to which group and profile type the user belongs.

Additionally, administrators can specify that the user to whom a code is given can only access the system once or for a specific number of days. The administrator can allow the user to access between specified calendar days.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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