Get Languages

  • updated 2 wk ago


Available in v8.2+, the get_languages part allows you to call and create a collection of languages that you configured in the project settings for your project.


When you use the get_languages part to create a collection from the languages configured in the project, you can use the collection in your application; for example, to display the language choices in a radio part. This could allow your users to select their preferred language, assuming you have done the following:

  1. enabled translations in the project settings
  2. created the translation texts (either manually or via the export/import feature)

For more information on using translations with your application, see the Multi-Language Support section. 

Editor Fields

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
language_codes_collection This is the name of the data object in which the system stores the result. Text Mandatory


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