Create an MLS Project

  • updated 3 mths ago

You can add the Multi-Language Support functionality to new and existing applications created in LogicNets. This topic describes how to create a new project with MLS functionality enabled. You can also follow these steps to convert existing projects into MLS-enabled projects.

Create a New MLS project 

To create a new project with the MLS functionality activated in the Designer perform the following actions.

  1. Click the projects folder and click the icon in the toolbar to add a new project.

  2. Enter a name for your project and click save. The system creates your project.

  3. On your project's Details page, click modify. This will allow you to enable MLS for the project.

  4. Select yes using the Enable Translations dropdown menu. Once you have selected yes, the system will display fields where you can enter your translation languages. This is where you enter the names of the languages your application will contain and the code by which the system will identify each language. Note: English is always the default language and cannot be removed.

  5. Using the Add a translation language dropdown menu, select the languages you plan to include in your application. Click Add to add a language and keep selecting languages until you have picked all of those you plan to include.

  6. Once you have added each language, click save at the top of the page to save this settings update.
  7. With translations enabled, the system will add a Translations tab to your project. This is where you will see and manage translations for all languages at the project level.

Convert an Existing Project to MLS

Follow the above from Step 3 onward to modify an existing project so it will use MLS.

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