Using Content References in Assessment Framework Applications

This image shows how Content Resources can be styled and include links and graphics.

A best practice is to always include a downloadable link for any detailed graphs/images/PDFs so that users can open them in full screen window to examine the details.

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    Your image may not be sized right for the amount of space available. You can fix this by editing the HTML of the image uploaded to the Knowledge Center:

    1. Bring up the article with the image.
    2. Click on the HTML icon in the toolbar.
    3. Find the <img src="logicnets.lns ..........alt="" /> entry and add width="100%".
    4. Check that it reads <img src="logicnets.lns ..........alt="" width="100%"/>.
    5. Save the KC article.

    Now the article will fill the width of the panel in the KC, as a reference in the right side of the Assessment Framework Information panel and in the Observation panel, if that's where you have added a Show Reference part.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 34Views
  • 4 Following
