Compare Collection

  • updated 1 yr agoThu. March 7, 2024 - 1:29 pm

The Compare Collection part allows an application to identify the differences between a collection and a comparison collection. The system outputs the results into two user-defined collections: 

  • Items present in the comparison collection but not in the original collection
  • Items not present in the comparison collection but present in the original collection

This part can be used in a variety of applications; for example, a user can deploy this part to identify identify new items and end-user selects from a checklist compared to the end-user's original selection. The user can also apply the part to identify the common items across two collections; i.e., find the intersection of the data.

Field Name Description Type/Options  Optional/Mandatory 
collection1 This is the name of the original collection. Data Object Mandatory
collection2 This is the name of the revised or comparison collection. Data Object Mandatory
(Output) deleted items This is the name of the collection into which the Compare Collection part will write those items that are present in collection1 but not present in collection2. Data Object Optional
(Output) added items This is the name of the collection into which the Compare Collection part will write those items present in collection2 but not present in collection1. Data Object Optional
(Output) equal items This is the name of the collection into which the Compare Collection part will write items that are the same in both collections. Data Object Optional
Compare on specific keys
(Release 8.1 on)

In case of complex collections (where each item has multiple objects/keys to compare), this field defines one or more keys to compare the collections on.

This parameter is used to compare collections only on the specified keys, and not the collection as a whole. The added, deleted and common outputs above are populated based on these keys only

Text Optional

The original collection--collection1--contains the items A, B, C, and D. The revised list--collection2--contains items A and F. In this situation, the items would be in the following collections:

  • collection1: A, B, C, D
  • collection2: A, F
  • deleted_item: B, C, D
  • new_item: F 
  • equal_item: A

For an example of how to use the Compare Collection part, download and import the How-To Guide: Introduction to Collections and review the Compare tab of this project. 

For an example of how to use the same part with a complex collection, download and import the How-To Guide: Querying Complex Collections example project. Note that this project should only be used on LogicNets Release 8.1 on.

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