How-To Guide: Introduction to Collections

This example Assessment Framework project provides a runtime-help tool for LogicNets Designer users looking to understand how to use simple arrays or lists in applications. It can also be used as a Designer reference for how to manipulate array data as all the logicnets creating the runtime screens are accessible via the LogicNets Designer.
A collection (or array) is an aggregate data structure that is designed to store a group of objects of the same or different types. In its simplest form, a collection is a list (e.g. of states, SKUs, users) stored under an umbrella variable name.
Understanding collections is important if you are creating applications in LogicNets for the following reasons:
- When a user answers a checklist question it generates a collection variable that has a specific syntax for retrieving a value, using it in a rule, and presenting it on screen.
- You can manage many data sets, both imported and created in the application, more efficiently as collections.
- Collections are a fundamental building block of a LogicNets data model and will always feature in a client application.
In this How-To Guide we introduce the you to collections and cover the following:
- How collections differ from regular data objects.
- How to use simple collections (inspect, use in rules, create).
- How to compare and contrast two collections.
- Brief introduction to multi-dimensional collections.
After review this introduction to collections, we recommend that you look at the How-To Guide: Query Collections.