Multi-Language Support and Text Tagging Overview

  • updated 3 mths ago

In the project settings configuration, a project can have Translations (Multi-Language Support or MLS) and Text Tagging enabled. These features use the same functionality to offer Designer Users the opportunity to manage texts across multiple languages and in multiple UI locations in the project. The sections below provide an introduction to this topic. For more detailed information, click here.

Introduction to Multi-Language Support

LogicNets supports the display of logicnets and support content in multiple languages through the Multi-Language Support (MLS) functionality. Content developers can activate MLS for new and existing logicnets content as well as in the Knowledge Center, making it possible for applications to be deployed to users in multiple languages.

MLS is not a translation system and content owners must provide and maintain accurate content translations, but the MLS functionality provides the ability to standardize how the translated content displays to users. English is the base language of all MLS-based application user content and resources and, with the MLS functionality enabled, the system displays translated versions words, phrases, and captions in other languages.

Applications using the Multi-Language Support functionality assign each word or phrase that the application displays to users a unique, system-generated translation key. The system then stores these keys in language-specific data tables that also contain the translated versions of each of the words; for example, in an application that provides a Dutch translation there will be a table that identifies a translation key and the associated phrase in Dutch.

As Designer Users add words or phrases to an application the system updates the translation key table. When you begin to type content in a node the system displays an autocomplete field that displays similar words or phrases that already exist in the application. Clicking on the displayed option will pull it and its associated translation key into the node. If you add a caption that is not already in the database the system will assign a translation key and add it to the data tables. After creating an application, you can export the translation tables, translate the content or send it to be translated, and then import the translations.

Text Tagging

LogicNets has extended the MLS features for the specific use of efficiently managing large and repeated sets of end-user communication regardless of language. By re-using the same GUID for a repeated text, when one occurrence is updated, all other occurrences (same text with the same GUID) can be updated. The Designer User is given the opportunity to confirm the update or create a new GUID.

This feature is available in Release 8.1+.


When combining the power of text tagging and multi-language support, the LogicNets platform provides an efficient way of maintaining and displaying content across multiple end points and languages.

Click on the Multi-Language Support "breadcrumb" above this article or here to see a selection of articles written in support of these features.

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