Revision History
If a project is under version control, the revision history table shows all activity for that project, including user, check-in date, revision notes, and status. To see the revision history for a project, do the following:
- Click on the project name in the project list and click the Revisions tab to view the revision history. The system displays the active revision n bold. NOTE: This may or may not be the latest revision.
- Click Edit to update revision status or revision notes.
- Click Revert to update to a later version (not shown) or revert to a prior version.
For v8.2 the revision history displays two additional pieces of meta data, as follows:
- When the project is checked out, the revision history shows the check-out details (see A below) including:
- Who checked out the project and when
- On which installation the checkout occurred
- In which Designer workspace the checkout occurred
- The local project ID, which is the unique identifier for the checked out project and used on the server
- Revisions show from which revision the changes are based (see B below). This is normally sequential; for example, revision 3 is based on revision 2 and revision 2 is based on revision 1. However, this meta data allows you to create "branches" and still see the prior source for any revision and trace the revision journey.