Visual Navigation Framework Overview

  • updated 4 yrs ago

With LogicNets, you connect individual steps together in a process flow to create applications and then you assign a layout template and style sheets, and many LogicNets-based applications look much different to the end-users in the published version than they do to the designers who created the flows.

As with other LogicNets frameworks, the Visual Navigation framework controls the way logicnets and associated content displays to users in published applications. However, with the Visual Navigation framework users see and interact with the actual graphical flowchart of each logicnet. As a user moves through the application, the system highlights selected options and affected pathways and the user is able to see the path they took to get to a particular step or outcome. 

The Visual Navigation framework offers two display options for published applications: the Algorithm View and the Side-by-Side View.

Algorithm View

The Algorithm View takes published applications that are based on the Visual Navigation framework and displays to the user the nodes and the pathways containing the questions and content. This allows the user to see the path he has taken, back up to a previous node, and then move forward in the same path or along another path. 

Side-by-Side View

The Visual Navigation also has the ability to display the full text of a node on the side of the screen in addition to displaying the algorithm view. This is called the Side-by-Side View. Here is an example of the project displaying a text panel in the side-by-side view:



Create and Configure a Visual Navigation Project

To create and configure a project based on the Visual Navigation framework, see Create a Visual Navigation Framework Project.

Example Project

To help you get started with the Visual Navigation framework we have created a sample project and instructions on how to create it here.

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