Translate Content at the Node Level

  • updated 7 mths ago

As a content developer creates nodes with user-facing content the system assigns translation keys to each word or phrase. These translation keys are the link between a word or phrase and the translated version of that word or phrase. Content developers can translate at both the node level and the project level, although LogicNets recommends translation at the project level.

In the example in Create a Logicnet with MLS, the content developer adds a radio button list to node 10 and the system tracks the words or phrases on that node that can be translated. It displays them on the Translations tab of the node.

  1. To see the Translations tab, double-click the radio-button option.

    The node-level Translations tab displays the items on that node that can be translated, and it displays columns for the languages identified at the project level. It also displays any existing translations.

  2. To add translations at the node level click the edit button at the end of the row to be translated. Enter the required translations and click save. Continue this process for each word or phrase identified on the node.

  3. Click save at the top of the tab to save the updates.

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