AUC Portal Modules

  • updated 3 yrs ago

The AUC Portal application is broken into four functional modules: AUC, History/Inbox, Reporting, and Settings. Access to these modules and their functions depend on your organization and user privileges, but the modules are located on the left side of the screen when you are in the AUC Portal.



  • Users who are not part of any organization only have access to the AUC and Settings modules.
  • Users who are members of a Billing organization only have access to the History and Settings modules.
  • Users who are members of Provider and Imaging Center organizations have access to all modules, but some functionality will be disabled or read-only based on their role.
  • Integrators only have access to the Reporting and Settings modules.


In this module you can perform AUC consultations for advanced imaging orders. The system guides you interactively through selecting the Clinical Area and Advanced Imaging Service. Once you have made your selection, the system previews all guidelines to indicate which are applicable to a selected service or which services are applicable to a selected priority clinical area.  It then opens the associated AUC Guideline to guide you through the visual diagnostic pathway and confirm that your selected imaging service was appropriate or to allow you to select an alternative appropriate imaging service.  

When workflow is enabled, AUC consultations can be forwarded electronically to affiliated imaging centers.


If you are an ordering professional at a provider organization generating AUC consultations, the system labels this module History, and it contains a grid with an overview of AUC consultations you performed as either an ordering physician or as a proxy to an ordering physician. Providers can use this overview to look up previously performed AUC consultations and track the status of AUC consultations submitted to imaging centers.

If you are a user from an imaging center the system displays this module as Inbox. It contains a grid with an overview of AUC consultation results for requested imaging services you generated or which were forwarded to your imaging center. You can review these to ensure the information is complete and correct and and then accept them. 


In this module you can generate reports for AUC consultations generated by you or your proxies on your behalf, or, if you are an admin user, across your organization. Specifically, a provider (someone with an NPI) can meet the PAMA requirement of being able to list all orders placed during an annual period, demonstrating use of the CDSM and the distribution of outcomes. System administrators can see reporting on user activity within the AUC portal. 


In this module you configure the specific application settings of the AUC Portal for yourself or your organization.

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