Licensing and Deploying LogicNets Software

  • updated 1 mth ago

Software Licensing Model

LogicNets software is typically licensed by organizations using the platform to create and deploy guidance applications or digital content or by organizations interested in the turnkey content solutions.  This article generally describes how LogicNets software is licensed and the options provided by LogicNets to enable and optimize deployment.   


User Licenses

Most authoring components are licensed based on the number of “designer” and/or “content curator” users developing and maintaining applications.  For application use cases supporting interactive human users, run-time components are most often licensed based on the number of end-users accessing the system.  There are two options for user-based licensing – named user and concurrent user.  Named user licensing provides specific users with a dedicated license that only they can access.  Concurrent user licensing allows a set number of users to concurrently access applications on the LogicNets runtime instance.  It allows for a much larger community of users that does not need to access the applications frequently to share capacity among a smaller number of licenses.   Generally, the price for concurrent licenses is six times that of named users.  It is therefore economically more favorable to use named users if the average access and session duration is more than 4 hours per user per day.  Named and concurrent licenses can be acquired and applied simultaneously to different user profiles within the same customer community.   

Other Licensing Bases

When LogicNets is connected to external systems, additional licensing options often apply. Some components, such as those that process and deliver content for external processing, deliver substantial value that cannot be measured directly by LogicNets. As a result, LogicNets licenses these components at a fixed price per customer organization or LogicNets installed instance. Furthermore, the LogicNets turnkey Content Solutions are often sold on a transaction capacity basis when external systems and not specific interactive users are the beneficiaries of runtime usage. Finally, LogicNets offers a range of use case-oriented license bundles and enterprise licensing options. LogicNets offers an Enterprise License Program for healthcare knowledge organizations which provides discounted access to all standard parts in conjunction with the Healthcare Integration & Interoperability Suite and the Enterprise Authoring bundle.  The program includes a phased step-by-step investment process which includes specific options optimized for pilot development, the pre-release content authoring phase, and subsequent production release for run-time access.  Please contact LogicNets at sales@logicnets.com to discuss these options.

Because the LogicNets platform is extremely robust and offers a wide range of functionality, “designer” or “authoring” users will likely want to acquire various levels of training to learn about and take advantage of different levels of functionality.  Customers should allocate training time for the staff they deploy to work in LogicNets with options to train staff in designing content, developing advanced use case infrastructure, production admin, and other topics.  They may also wish to avail themselves to other LogicNets professional services – including design and deployment, content modeling, and other areas to meet their specific needs.   

The LogicNets software is web-based and is designed to run on web hosting infrastructure where access 1) to human users is via their web browsers and 2) to systems is via web service calls. Customers acquire LogicNets software licenses that permit them to download the software and run it on their own hosting infrastructure.  LogicNets also provides “cloud” hosting infrastructure as an alternative option in which LogicNets hosts the customer’s software licenses on their behalf for an additional fee as applicable. The “Base” LogicNets Cloud service is available to all customers to support development and unit testing of applications at no additional cost as part of the standard Software Support and Maintenance Program.  LogicNets-provided cloud infrastructure for production and advanced testing activities is acquired at additional costs and sized per customer to meet the unique requirements of each customer scenario. 


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