Configure the Grouping Mode for Published Applications

  • 2 yrs ago

You publish your application and make it available to users just as you do with other framework-based applications, and your published application starts to store statistics as your users interact with it. When you are ready to publish an updated version of your application, however, you need to determine the grouping mode you want to us.

The grouping mode allows you to group statistics on selected causes and observations by package category and by package name. This allows you to set how the system deals with previously gathered statistics when you publish an updated version of your package.

  • Grouping by package category means that each new version of the package will include the statistics gathered in previous versions of the same package. All of the statistics the system stored in previous versions of the application are included with the updated version.
  • Grouping by package name means that every version of the package will have its own statistics, ignoring the statistics created by the previous versions.

You set the grouping mode in your framework settings.


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