Team (group) vs Individual (strict) Version Control

  • updated 4 mths ago

When you use version control, the system checks out and locks projects at a Workspace/Designer level. However, you can set up your workspace(s) to allow for team control versioning or for stricter individual versioning control.

  • Team Version Control is also called "group" control, and it is when a group of users are configured to work in the same workspace and a project in that workspace has been entered into version control. Under this setup, each user configured to work int he workspace can check out a project, make changes, and check it in as a new revision, with the following provisos:
    • Any user with local access to the workspace can check out the project.
    • Once a project is checked out, users with local access to the workspace can still edit that project and check in or discard the revision for that project potentially with changes from multiple users, even though it was checked out by another user.

      Note: Any user without local access to the original workspace but with access to the project via a shared workspace configuration is NOT be able to edit or check out the project until it has been checked in by a user in the original workspace.
  • Individual Version Control is also called "strict" control, and it is when each user has their OWN workspace and project(s) are shared across workspaces using the Shared Workspace functionality. Under this setup, if a project is accessible by each user via the shared workspace functionality, the following rules apply:
    • Any user with remote-modify rights to the shared workspace can check out the version-controlled project and make edits.
    • No other users can check out the same project UNTIL the first user has checked it in or discarded the revision.

This means that:

  1. Under team version control, a revision can contain edits from multiple users in the same workspace.
  2. Under individual version control, each revision can only contain edits from a single user via their own workspace.

The decision to use team or individual version control is made by the Workspace/User Administration based on how the workspaces and users are assigned to user groups. It is possible to create a hybrid situation where certain "power users" might work under individual version control and a support team might work under team version control.

User Group and Workspace Configuration

  • Individual Version Control requires one user group and one workspace for each user, with remote-modify access to a shared workspace with the project(s).
  • Team Version Control needs just one user group and workspace for all users. Project(s) can exist in this or a shared workspace.
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