Version Control: Getting Started

  • updated 5 mths ago


Before the release of the LogicNets Version Control function, users assigned to the same Designer workspace and working on the same project had difficulty collaborating on content. With Version Control, you can enter projects under the version control feature to ensure the following:

  • The project can only be edited by user(s) in one workspace at any given time.
  • All changes to a project are contained within a controlled revision number.
  • All users can still view and test the current project and any of its prior revisions.

This article explains how to get started using version control, and specifically addresses the following:

  • How to initiate version control on a project
  • How to check out a project and check in changes
  • How to view and update a project's revision history
  • How to release a locked project 

Version control can be configured to be group-based or a stricter individual level of control. See this article for more information on this topic.

Initiate Version Control

To place a project under version control,  do the following:

  • Click Create Revision.
    • Select a status: Draft, Beta, or Release.
    • Add revision notes. We suggest adding information such as Initial Release or details on the specific functionality.
      You can resize the notes box to accept more information. Use [Enter key] to add details on new lines.

  • [optional] Click Modify to add author and version details.
    • Author - This could be the owner of the module or the name of the authoring team, for example.
    • Version - This is the "outward facing" Release version, as opposed to the unique incremental revision number.
    • Description

Check Out a Project, Edit, and Check in Changes

If a project is under version control and it is available to check out the system displays the modified blue folder icon like the one in Project A in the screenshot below.

Check-Out Process

To check out a project, click the project name in the projects folder and click Check Out Revision. The system will verify your access rights and confirm the project is now checked out with an on-screen message. If the system displays an error message, see this article for troubleshooting help.

Once you have checked out a project, you can make any changes to the project details, including the location of the project in the folder structure, all logicnets, and resources (CSS, images, content resources, data tables) as required. During this time:

  • The project remains checked out to the workspace, even if you log out of the system.
  • Other users with local access to the workspace will be able to see your changes and make additional changes
  • Users without local access to the workspace will not be able to modify the project.
    • If someone tries to check out the project the system will display a popup message saying the project is already checked out to another user.
    • They will still be able to view and test the project in its prior state. None of the changes you made are visible in other workspaces until you check them in.
  • See the Team vs Individual Version Control article for more information.

Check-In Process

When you are done making changes you can check in the changes or discard them by choosing one of the following options:

  • Discard Revision - The system does not save any changes and discards the project changelog.
  • Check In Revision - If you choose this option the system opens a popup window in which you can add status and revision notes.

Once you have checked in or discarded the revisions the project are potentially available for authorized users with shared access to the workspace to check out.

Project Revision History

For any project under version control, the revision history table shows all activity, including user, check-in date, revision notes, and status.

  1. Select the project and click on the Revisions tab to view the revision history. The system shows the active revision in bold. NOTE: This may or may not be the latest revision.
  2. Click the Edit button to update Revision Status and/or Revision Notes.
  3. Click the Revert button to update to a later version (not shown) or revert to a prior version.

Release a Locked Project from Version Control

There are two scenarios where the Designer User may want to force the project's version control status. Both scenarios below require the Designer User to have been given "admin" rights for the workspace in question.

Force-Release Lock

If a Designer User checked out the project and left it in that status, no other users with shared access to the workspace can check out the same project or update it, unless a Workspace Admin clicks Force Release Lock for that project. This discards any in progress changes and returns to project to the checked-in status, allowing others to check out the project.

NOTE: Remember that the project is checked out to a workspace, so any other user with access to that workspace can check a project in or discard revisions, if the original user is out of office. See Team vs Individual Version Control for more details.


Unlinking the project removes all version control, discards all revisions, and return the project to its original status. This makes it editable at any time by any Designer User with appropriate access to the local workspace. 

NOTE: When working with shared workspaces, unlinking still creates a local project but leaves the original project under version control in the shared workspace.

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