Node Categories

  • updated 4 yrs ago

Node Categories

There are multiple nodes available in the LogicNets Designer, and these node types are grouped together into seven categories: 

  • Form parts
  • Report parts
  • Process
  • Routing
  • Call parts
  • Form
  • Special

Framework-specific Nodes

Categories and associated nodes appear in your Designer based on the framework on which your project is based or if it is based on a framework at all. This makes it easier for you to find the nodes you need; for example, if your project uses the Assessment Framework, your nodes toolbox will look like this—there is no form option because Assessment Framework doesn't use forms.

Node Choices

Node categories can have one or more node options; for example, the form parts category contains multiple options while the process node exists by itself. If a category has multiple options a collapsed arrow displays on the nodes toolbox and you can click that arrow to open the dropdown menu of your options. Note that the special category will contain options relevant for the framework you are working in. 

Here is an example of the node options available in the Assessment Framework under form parts.


Recently Used Nodes

When you are creating logicnets you frequently use the same node type over and over. To save you time in selecting nodes the system displays the most recently used node per category at the top of the list—the header of that node category. You can click or drag the header node to add it to your logicnet.


When you log in for the first time the system displays the default category headers, but as you use the system it updates the recently used information.


Note that if you switch between frameworks, e.g. work on a project without a framework and then create a different project with a framework, the system will display the first available node in that category for the framework you switch to.

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