Create Your Troubleshooter Logicnets

  • updated 10 mths ago

Add your troubleshooter logicnet to the forms folder in your project folder, modeling your logicnets as you do with other framework types. For applications built based on the Support Center Framework, each logicnet represents a single fault-finding tree that leads to a single cause selection. 

When you add multiple logicnets to the forms folder, each one represents a separate fault-finding tree leading to a distinct cause selection. When you are modeling these questions, make sure you assign unique data objects to each question.

To create the end points for your fault-finding questions, use the green "cause/conclusion" nodes from the nodes toolbox.



When you create your questions you can assign weights to them to give them a higher score in determining the cause of an issue. If you do not specify a particular weight, the weight is 1.


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  • 10 mths agoLast active
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