Distribution Lists

  • 4 yrs ago


The User Management module includes functionality that allows you to create a text string of email addresses for use in non-LogicNets email applications. Examples of when this might be useful are:

  • Sending an email to all registered users to notify them of an upcoming Support & Maintenance window when the system will be unavailable
  • Sending a marketing email to a specific group of users to highlight some new functionality available in their application
  • Sending an email to all users who have not logged in during the past period of time (month, week) reminding them of the application and access URL

Those Admin Users with access to the User Management function can create multiple lists, selecting users from the user base and using the sort and filter functions available for each column to help select the appropriate names from the list.

Once you have saved a list you can click on the list and have access to the send list button. Clicking this button sends an email to the admin user's account. The email contains a comma separated text string of email addresses that you can copy/paste into email applications like Outlook or Gmail. In addition, the email contains the first and last name, account status, and last login timestamp information.

The following is an example of the email.

Tips and Tricks
Due to security concerns, distribution lists created in the User Management application are not currently available to query/use in other applications built in the LogicNets application. We recommend Designer users investigate the send_email part described in the send_email article for more information on how to send emails from LogicNets applications.

Hosted installations can connect with client SMTP servers but there are limits to the number of email addresses that can be sent at one time (limit per AWS is 50). Any LogicNets application using send email should loop through individual email addresses to create mutliple single addressee emails.

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