Assigning Packages to Users: the Differences between Release 7.3 and Release 7.4

  • updated 10 mths ago


In the upgrade from Release 7.3 to Release 7.4, LogicNets adopted a common security policy of assigning access by user group only. In doing so, we have eliminated the ability to assign a Designer workspace or published application to a single user. Below, we highlight the implications and steps you can take to continue to allocate workspaces and applications to the appropriate users.

Assigning Users by Group

Please see the article Assigning Users and Packages to Groups for information on how to create a group, assign users and allocate workspace or packages.

Prior Assignments by User

Any pre-existing assignments to a single user are carried over into User Management in Release 7.4 without action by you. However there are some restrictions on what is possible:

  • no additional single user assignments can be made (see below)
  • no edits can be made to the assignments

Any prior assignments at the user level can be seen by inspecting a user's account. Existing assignments are listed after the group membership list (highlighted in yellow in the screenshot above).

Packages and/or workspaces asssigned this way can only be removed  - click REMOVE ALL to do so. Once this action is taken it cannot be undone. (If necessary, a user can be regranted permission to use one or more of the prior applications, by establishing a group and assigning the package and user as appropriate).

Assigning Packages to a Single User in Release 7.4

This is still possible in practice, by taking the following steps:

  1. create a group
  2. assign the  single user to that group
  3. assign the package(s) and/or workspaces required by the user
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