Package Installer Configuration

  • updated 3 yrs ago


The Package Installer tool centralizes your ability to manage published packages, and it allows those users with access to view and manage all packages that are available on a LogicNets installation. It can be used to install new packages and make them available to users. The Package Installer can be used in conjunction with configuration options set up in your project.

Configuration Options

In addition to managing packages your users see, you can manage the ability for administrative users to open your published applications in the Package Installer. To do this you set configuration properties at the Package Installer Framework project level. The following sections walk you through how to do that.

Set Framework

To create a custom version of the Package Installer, you create a project and set the PackageInstallerFramework as the framework option for your project.

  1. In your Designer, click the icon to add a new project. From the list of framework options, go to Advanced and click the Blank project option.
  2. Name your project and click Create
  3. The system will allow you to set the Type and Framework for your project. Use the dropdown menus to select based on framework for the Type, and select PackageInstallerFramework for the Framework
  4. Click Create.

  5. Again, click the name of your package and click the Modify button.
  6. Click the Framework tab to update the configuration options possible.


Start Package in Admin Mode

To allow administrative users to open your package in admin mode from the Package Installer, set the Show start in admin mode button dropdown menu to Yes. The default value is No. NOTE: The system will only start a package in admin mode if that package is active.


Show Scope in Category List/Set Scope

Scope provides an additional field you can use together with category to more clearly identify your packages. If you have multiple installations or companies within one installation you can use this field to avoid creating packages with a conflicting category. When used together, the scope and category determine the way the system groups packages: in the Package Installer the system makes active one package active per scope/category combination. The system also uses this category/scope combination to move package data from a previously active package of the same combination. The category is the name of your package and you set the scope at the company level.

1. When you want to use scope in combination with category, you set the category in the project Framework tab and then you go to your dashboard and click on the System Configuration tool.


2. Click the Designer tab and enter the scope in the Category scope field.

3. Click Save to save your changes and then return to your project in the Designer.
4. When you publish your project and click to see your published package details the system shows you the scope and category. The category is the name of your project.



Hide Tabs

You have the option of hiding the Start code and/or Tag tabs. To do this, click the checkbox in the Hide tabs section. If you hide both Start code and Tags, they system will not show these options in the installer.

Package Install Rules

You can use this table to specify any installation rules; for example, if your package name contains a particular term. Enter the rule in the Rule field and enter in the Message field a message you want the system to display when the rule is satisfied. The installation rule can contain xpath.

Package Uninstall Rules

This table allows you to specify rules for the uninstall of your package; for example, if your package name contains a particular term. Enter the rule in the Rule field and enter in the Message field the message you want the system to display when the rule is satisfied. The rule can contain xpath.


Package Activate Rules

The Package activate rules table allows you to set any rules for activating your package; for example, if your package name contains a particular term. You enter the rules in the Rule field and in the Message field enter the message the system will display when the rule is satisfied. The rule can contain xpath.


Package Deactivate Rules

The Package deactivate rules table allows you to set any rules for deactivating your package; for example, if your package name contains a particular term. You enter the rules in the Rule field and in the Message field enter the message the system will display when the rule is satisfied. The rule can contain xpath.



Categories Filter

The Categories filter option allows you to filter the list of packages shown in the categories section; for example, if you want to show the packages with scope 'Local' only, then you enter a condition here to filter the packages with scope local.

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