Reporting Framework Overview

  • updated 11 mths ago

Using the Reporting Framework, Designer Users can add customized reports to the standard Reporting package available on the main portal page.

Standard Reports

With appropriate access rights controlled through the User Management package, users can view a number of "audit-trail" type reports based on all user sessions. These are standard reports that are always available through the Reporting package.  All reports can be drawnfor all packages, or a specific one application, and any range of dates. The reports include:

  • session overview (containing a filterable summary table of session data including start/finish time, duration, user and package)
  • session logs (detailed event logs showing all triggers and data points logged by the system automatically and user-defined events created by Add Answer to Log)

Additionally with the LogicNets 3rd party charting plug-in feature enabled, the following charts are available to view on screen, or download as data, image, and PDF

  • sessions per hour/day/month
  • sessions per package
  • sessions per user
  • users per package/role
  • total and average session time by user

Customized Reports

Advanced Designers can add customized business reporting to the Reporting package. Broadly speaking the steps required to add a customized report include the following:

  • create a new project BASED on the Reporting Framework (framework settings allow the Designer to specify a custom configuration logicnet)
  • create a data table or "view" in the resources/data folder that holds and updates the reporting data (if different from existing session overview or session logs)
    • typically the application can be designed  with a logicnet that writes appropriate business data to this data table 
  • add a logicnet into the reports folder (each logicnet will be presented as a custom report in the dropdown list of reports available)
  • generate the report using a dbgrid (for summary tables) or display chart node (see Form Part Display Chart)


Download and import the example project into your Designer

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