Date/Time Input

  • updated 11 mths ago


This part allows your application users to enter a date or time in an application or to select a date/time from a dropdown calendar.


This part allows your application users to enter a date or time manually or select a date from a selectable calendar. If the user selects a date using the date picker, the system will format the date according to the configured settings.

Tips and Tricks

The runtime UI for the date/time picker has some new features:

  • Date Picker: The date picker loads current month by default. "Today" is indicated by a small blue icon. You can access prior/future months sequentially using the left/right arrows. Clicking ON the month one or more times provides broader categories; for example, the first click shows months in current year, second click shows range of individual years, third click shows even broader year ranges.
  • Time Picker: Cycle up or down to adjust the hours, minutes, and seconds. Change the format if you want time input as am/pm or 24-hour clock. Click on the hours or minutes to get a picklist of all hours in the day or 15 minute intervals for alternative selection mechanism. To remove the seconds in scenarios where you just need time in hours/minutes, change the date format on the part in the Designer.

Editor Fields

Tab Field Name Description Type/
Basic HTML enabled When this is enabled you can put HTML formatting in the Question caption, which means the system will display HTML tags in the text in the caption editor as they would appear in a browser. The editor browser provides limited HTML editing options for text formatting. You can toggle the HTML-enabled button on and off to alternate between seeing and editing tags and displaying them as they will appear. Yes | No Optional
Basic Caption This is text that appears in front of the date input field. Text Optional
Basic Data object This is the name of the data object that stores the selected or entered date. Data object Mandatory
Basic Input Type This choice determines the expected value type, the widgets on screen and the structure of the saved variable for this part.

In all cases, the system shows an input box to allow users to type a value. The choices determine which of the on-screen date and time widgets also appear using a mouse.
Date | Time | Date & Time Mandatory
Basic Display Format:

- Date - Time


This field allows you to set the date format:
  • Month, date, and year in various orders with "/" or "-" separator.
  • Time Formats:
    • Hours and minutes with/without seconds
    • 24-hour or 12-hour with am/pm
The default format is based on the format set in the System Configuration package.
Options Mandatory
Basic Submit on select If you check this checkbox the system automatically submits the selected/entered date value. Yes | No Optional
Basic Show weeks of the year If you select Yes, the system shows the user week numbers as part of date-picker widget.

Yes | No Optional
Basic Min year This setting allows you to limit the dates the date picker displays to only those after the specified year. The input format is yyyy | -y(yy) | +y(yy) and the default year is 1900.

  • If you enter 1950, the system displays dates from 1950 on.
  • If you enter -100, the system displays all years 100 years prior to the current year.
  • If you enter +2, the system displays dates starting 2 years in the future from the current date and beyond.
Note: This setting is a guide for which years the system should display. It is not a validation that the user entered the correct dates; for example, users could still enter a date prior to the configured Min year.
Number Optional
Basic Max year This setting allows you to limit the dates the date picker displays to only those before the specified year. The input format is yyyy | -y(yy) | +y(yy) and the default: is +10.

  • If you enter 1950, the system displays only dates up to 1950.
  • If you enter -100, the system displays dates up to 100 years before the current date.
  • If you enter +2, the system displays dates up to 2 years past the current date.
Note: This setting is a guide for which years the system should display. It is not a validation that the user entered the correct dates; for example, users could still enter a date prior to the configured Min year.
Number Optional
Basic Hide calendar If you check this checkbox the system will not display the date/calendar icon. The user will only be able to manually enter a date. Checkbox Optional
Basic First day This field allows you to select the first day of the week. When you choose (Default), the system uses the first day of the week as determined by the selected location. Options Optional
Basic Disabled Days This field allows you to select which days of the week cannot be selected. Options Optional
Basic Locale This field allows you to specify a locale (e.g. nl for The Netherlands, fr for France) to override the selected settings with locale-specific formats. If you leave this field empty the system uses the default settings.

Check the "Use Locale" box to apply the locale during runtime.
Text and Checkbox Optional
Validate Type This allows you to have the system trigger the display of an error message based on user-defined parameters:
  • mandatory: This means the user must provide a value or the system will display an error message.
  • numeric, percentage, currency: These mean that the value the user enters must be a number and may contain a comma or dot as decimal character. This validation rule can be used when the data-object-type is set to text. This combination allows the user to enter decimal number and allows users to enter a different decimal point (e.g. comma).
  • time: This means the input must be a time string: hh:mm (12:14, for example) or hhmm (1214) are both allowed.
  • custom: This allows the user to set a custom validation parameter.
  • email: This means the value the user enters must contain an '@' symbol.
  • date: This means the input must be a date string; mm/dd/yy, for example.
Options Optional
Validate Condition This is only required when type=custom--when the user has set a custom validation parameter. It tells the system under which condition to display a validation message. Text Conditional
Validate Message This is the message the system displays to the end-user if a validation rule is not met. The system displays the message associated with the first violated rule.   Optional
Advanced Events These are the JavaScript events that should be attached to the date picker. Text Optional
Advanced Disabled This parameter indicates whether the input field is disabled or not. If the field is disabled, the end-user cannot change the displayed value. Yes | No Optional
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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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