Countdown Timer

  • updated 3 yrs ago


The Timer part allows you to create a countdown and move to a subsequent logic sequence when the timer reaches 0. This part is currently in Beta phase, meaning the part has limited customization options at present. The countdown shows HH:MM:SS and can be incorporated into any model by enclosing it in a custom HTML DIV so you can style it to match the rest of the application.


This part is available for use in the StarterApp Framework and No Framework models only. It cannot yet be used as part of content modeled in an Assessment Framework.

Tips and Tricks

When modeling with the timer part in the StarterApp Framework, place a yellow form node AFTER the timer form part to display all content up to this point. When the timer completes, LogicNets automatically advances past the form. The timer part itself is therefore removed from display, and the user will see only the form parts modeled AFTER the yellow form node. You may also model a message saying the time has ended (see the Example Project below).

Editor Fields

Basic Tab Options

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
Seconds This field should be set to the countdown length, in seconds. Number Mandatory
Visible This checkbox determines whether the timer is shown on screen or not.

NOTE: Currently, this part does not have a standard DIV structure built into it. Therefore, if you want to show the timer on screen, you should place the part with an HTML node before and after it to allow for easier styling. The countdown number itself is in a span class = "timerpart".
Checked | Unchecked Optional
Data object This field stores the outcome of the timer. This variable is "undefined" during the countdown, meaning it is not possible to build rules to different pathways when there are x seconds remaining. When the countdown has concluded, the object is set to "timerexpired". Text Mandatory

NOTE: This part has been released as part of Version 7.4.5 with limited functionality. Please contact your LogicNets Account Manager if you have specific enhancements you would like to see made to this part, or post a comment below and follow this article to track any updates.

Example Project

Click here to download an example project containing two timers in different sections of a StarterAppFramework application.

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