Create Collection

  • updated 1 yr ago


This part is accessible from the Collections menu in a process node and can be used with applications based on frameworks or those created without frameworks to initialize a collection from manually input values, collections, tables or external sources.


In general, this part is used to create an initial collection where your modeled logic requires a collection to have an initial/starting value.

Typically this part is placed in an "onstart" folder, so it runs only once at project start up.

The most commonly used configurations in the part editor are very similar to the radio/checklist part. Enter at least one value (and caption if required) and a data object name as the minimum required inputs. The result is a complex collection as shown in the screenshot below.




Editor Fields

Field Name Description/Use Type/ Options Optional/ Mandatory
Data object This is the name of the collection that this part will generate. Text Mandatory
GUID Specify any GUID to be associated with this collection. Checkbox Optional
Caption     This is the text attached to the collection and displayed in a form part. Text Optional

Data location


  • Use the PLUS icon to add options manually


  • Specify the names of pre-existing collections that contains the captions (optional) and values (mandatory)

Table data

  • Add a data source, any selection criteria and other table parameters

External source (only visible with system configuration - see below)

  • Choose the source from the dropdown list

Manual |

Collection |

Table data |

External source


External Source System Configuration

To provide Designer Users with a pre-determined external source list, the following addition needs to be made to the company config.sys file in the _context block.

_context = {
              valueset_sources = {
                                     {source = "test", caption = "test caption"},

When this is not present in the config.sys file, the external source option is not active in the part.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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