Informatics in Radio, Checklist, Dropdown Form Parts

  • updated 1 yr ago


The field of Informatics studies the representation, processing, and communication of information between systems. A good example of Informatics in practice can be found in the medical field: Informatics helps improve human health and the delivery of health care services by looking at the science of how to use data to streamline the communication between healthcare entities. Healthcare Informatics uses one or more clinical terminology coding systems, including:

In the LogicNets platform it is possible to define terminologies based on any coding system you want to use, medical or otherwise. This terminology can be attached to questions, answers, tables and can be exported in an FHIR format.

License Requirements

To define and use Informatics in the LogicNets platform, you require several specific licenses:

  • You are required to have the FHIR Data Exchange License to be able to use the FHIR report export.
  • You are required to have the the Informatics License to be able to define informatics.

System Configuration

By default, the LogicNets platform gives you the option to use the SNOMED CT terminology as a coding system. You can add as many different code systems as you want through the Informatics tab in the System Configuration package on the dashboard screen.

Please note:

  • The name that you fill in as the configuration will be visible in the Informatics tab when you choose a code.
  • The URL will be in the FHIR export of the coding system.
  • The system will display the default coding system first.  If no default is selected, the system picks the first one in the table.

Designer Functionality

In the Informatics tab, it is possible to define informatics for the following parts:

  • Radio list
  • Checklist
  • Dropdown

You can define as many question codes in different coding systems as you need.

Per option that you create in the radio/checklist/dropdown, you can define multiple option codes, coupled with a question coding or not. If you do not want to couple the option code to a question coding, select "—" from the dropdown menu.

For more information, see Copy-Paste Functionality with Informatics

Informatics and Data Sources (Data Table, Collection)

You can define answer options manually or by using a data-table source, and LogicNets extended this to include the possibility to define informatics coupled with those options in the table by adding a column of type “Informatics”.

Once you add this column type to a table, the system displays a button in the column of the Informatics type.

When you click on the button, the system opens a pop-up screen in read-only mode. When you want to edit or add coding, you first must click modify or double-click on the row and then open the pop-up screen using the button.

Each option is a record in the table, meaning that each informatics configuration of that option must also contain the question-level coding.

When choosing ‘table data’ as the data location for the respective part in the logicnet, you must select the column that contains the Informatics. When you do, the system removes the Informatics tab for this node.

You can also define a collection of answer options that can contain the Informatics and provide the Informatics to the LogicNets part by specifying the variable containing the Informatics.


It is possible to export informatics using the FHIR format, which is a standard for healthcare data exchange.

To make your assessment project able to be exported in an FHIR format you must set “Generate FHIR report on exit” in the framework settings.

The following article contains additional information: FHIR Report Export for the Assessment Framework (BETA).

Example Project

Click this link for an example project showcasing the Informatics integration with form parts.

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