Release Notes: LogicNets Release 7.3

  • updated 1 yr ago

Release 7.3 includes the new features/functionality described below including the following major enhancements. Download the full Release Notes here.

Multi-language Support

The multi-language support feature allows you to provide language translations of the text in your modeled applications. You can create these translations in the Designer, or you can create them in Excel and import them into the Designer. This functionality includes default language configurations in the LogicNets Access Management module, where you can manage the default language settings for users and user groups. 

Cron Job Scheduler and Monitor

This release introduces new Cron Job Scheduler and Monitor functionality that allows you to create cron jobs in logicnets and configure them using the Scheduler Monitor. Additionally, the Scheduler Monitor includes a monitoring function that displays the status of active cron jobs, allows you to actively disable or run them out of sequence, and also allows you to review details about previous runs.

Logicnets as Functions

It is now possible to model your logicnets as functions. A function is callable logicnet with a defined interface for inputs and outputs. The function logicnet can be called multiple times within an application, each time using different values for the required input and output parameters. Functions support the sharing and repeating of common logic, which makes the design task quicker and more efficient. You can use functions in conjunction with the library concept to offer reusable library modules to share between multiple projects.

External Search

The External Search feature allows you to include in your modeled applications the ability to search for documentation outside of LogicNets; for example, in the application's Knowledge Center or on an external website. The system returns search results as a hyperlink and includes a snippet of the matching documentation, which can be presented in the application.

Web Services Framework

This release includes a new Web Services Framework that allows you to easily build your application as a web service API to connect your application to others outside of LogicNets. The API can range from simple API to a complete RESTful API.

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