Web Services Endpoints

  • updated 3 yrs ago


The logicnets in the endpoints folder are the endpoints for your web service, and the web service calls endpoints by the name of the logicnet. You can organize your endpoints in folders, in which case you need to include the folder name in the path for the endpoint. For example, if your endpoint logicnet is called function_1,  the endpoint can be invoked by the following URL: https://<host-name>/<start code of your web service>/function_1 .


If you organize your endpoint in a folder named group1, the endpoint can be invoked using the following URL:  https://<host-name>/<start code of your web service>/group_1/function_1 .


The endpoint logicnet is the place where you start modeling the logic, and you can use all modeling components except for form nodes that post information to the UI.

Special Endpoints

The system treats differently those endpoints with the following names: main, get, post, put, delete, and patch. If your endpoint is named one of those you do not need to include that name in your URL. For example, the URL to invoke the main logicnet would be 
https://<host-name>/<start code of your web service


The name main does not need to appear in the URL, as main resolves to the parent folder in the endpoints folder. With main it is also possible to model one single (main-)entry of your web service application where you could route the call further to other logicnets within your application

The URL to invoke the post logicnet would be 
https://<host-name>/<start code of your web service> but with the HTTP method POST.

Special Folder/Endpoint Names

Another special folder/endpoint name is the following format: __<variable name>__

With this format you indicate that the name is a wildcard in the URL, and that it should be parsed and stored in the variable with <variable_name>.


The URL to invoke the get logicnet in the resource_1\__id__ folder would be as follows: 

https://<host-name>/<start-code of your web service>/resource_1/ 12SDAFDFS

Notice that 12SDAFDFS will be matched upon __id__ and consequently stored in the parameter: ‘id’

This is especially helpful if you want to implement a REST API and access resources by their ID in the URL.

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