LogicNets Installation: Configuring HTTPS

  • updated 4 yrs ago


From LogicNets version 7.3 onwards, LogicNets enforces the use of encrypted traffic to ensure the security of customer data. If you are running a prior version of LogicNets with HTTP only and you upgrade to release 7.3 or higher, you must update the IIS binding to enable HTTPS. If you do not update the IIS binding you may have access problems, such as an HTTP error 404.

Enable HTTPS

To enable HTTPS you must first obtain a valid certificate and import it in IIS. After that you can perform the following steps to update your bindings for HTTPS:

  1. Open the IIS manager from the system where the application is configured.
  2. Select and right-click the site associated with your traffic. 
  3. Click Binding (you can also select the site and select binding in the action menu on the right-hand side of the screen). 
  4. If there is no HTTPS binding already configured, do the following:
    1. Click Add
    2. Under Type select HTTPS
    3. Under hostname type the same binding as is configured for the HTTP binding. This is the same URL you used during the installation process. 
    4. Select the appropriate SSL certificate. 
    5. Leave everything else on its default value and click OK
    6. To verify your binding was configured correctly, navigate to the site using HTTPS (e.g.: https://Logicnets.abc.com). Your site should be reachable. 

Alternatively, you can switch off Enforce HTTPS in the LogicNets System Configuration module. This is not recommended and should only be done when HTTPS cannot be supported.

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