Test a Logicnet

  • updated 4 yrs ago

Testing a logicnet not only allows you to see what users will see, but it also allows you to test all the background processes to make sure that they work as you intended. Testing at the logicnet level allows you to see if the questions flow in the order intended, and testing at the project level allows you to test the logicnets, CSS, JavaScript, and data elements are working with the project as a whole.

Regardless of the testing level, another useful feature of testing is to view the underlying data. See the article on Context Data for more information on this.

Test at the Logicnet Level

Testing at the logicnet level is often used for short tests to verify a small piece of functionality is working correctly. Because testing at the logicnet level does not include any framework styling or any other features offered in LogicNets' frameworks, it is more often used to test a piece of data processing  rather than the UI of an application.

1. Click on the logicnet you want to test.


2. Click Test from the Designer tab or from the Details tab.

3. The system opens a new browser window or tab with the logicnet in it. Click through the test version to see your application the way users will.

4. To close the test, close the new browser window or tab.

Test at the Project Level 

If you are using a framework in your application, you need to test your application at the project level so you see what end-users will see when they run the application.

1. Click the name of your project and click Test from the Details tab.


2. The system opens a new browser window or tab with the logicnet in it. Click through the test version to see your application the way users will.

3. To close the test, close the new browser window or tab.

Testing Standalone Projects (Advanced)

If you are working on an application that does not use a framework, to test your application at the project level you must first indicate your start logicnet for the project. 

1. In the Projects pane click on the name of the project you want to test.

2. Click Modify in the Details tab.


3. Click the ... button next to Start Logicnet.


4. Click the name of the logicnet you want to be the first one the system runs when you run your application.

5. Click save at the top of the Details tab.

6. Click Test at the top of the Details tab.

7. The system opens a new browser window or tab with the logicnet in it. Click through the test version to see your application the way users will.

8. To close the test, close the new browser window or tab.

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