LogicNets Start URL

  • updated 1 yr ago

You can start the LogicNets system via a browser with the following URL:


Property Description Example
Session-key The LogicNets system does not use the session-key but passes it back with all calls to the ESS. This key should only contain alphanumeric characters (no special characters) and cannot be longer than 40 characters. 12345
Report-key The report-key is used by the LogicNets system to detect whether a document is already opened and must be unique per document. The key should only contain alphanumeric characters (no special characters) and cannot be longer than 40 characters. Document123
User-key The user-key is not used by the LogicNets system but passed back with all calls to the ESS. This key should only contain alphanumeric characters (no special characters) and cannot be longer than 40 characters. UserA
Server-base-address This is the URL base address to the ESS webservice that LogicNets uses to load, save, or cancel documents. This parameter is optional but must then be configured in the LogicNets server configuration. "http://essdemo.com:8080/webservice'
Redirect-URI (Optional) The browser page is redirected to this URL when the LogicNets system is finished. 'http://essdemo.com/index.php'
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