9. Orders, Order Synonyms, Combined Orders, and Order Sets

  • updated 3 yrs ago


The code section of the request represents the incoming order and the system matches it against the recommended imaging orders.


The mapping between the CPT code in the request and the imaging order in the application is done in the informatics mapping layer. This is where the system maps the external codes to the imaging orders in the recommendations. A validation is appropriate if an incoming order matches the order(s) in the recommendations.


Order Synonyms

Recommended orders can be mapped to different external codes; for example: 


The code section in the request would look like this:

"code": {
     "coding": [
            "display": "Bone/Joint Imaging Limited Area",
            "code": "78300",
            "system": "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt"
            "display": "Bone/Joint Imaging Whole Body",
            "code": "78306",
            "system": "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt"
     "text": "Bone Scan"

The synonyms are listed in the coding array. If the system finds a match the corresponding order is appropriately recognized and validated.

Combined Orders

Some order lines represent more than one imaging procedure and therefore have to be mapped to multiple CPT codes:


Since MRI hip and the arthrogram procedure are represented by two CPT code, both are listed in the same code section of the request.

You can see which orders require combined CPT codes or which orders have synonyms by using the portal and selecting the individual guideline. The next screen shows which orders exist in a guideline and which CPT codes match these. You can achieve the same by using the webservice and leaving the order details out of the request (see Scenario 3: https://community.logicnets.com/t/p8h3xc3/4-auc-order-flow-and-scenarios):


Order Sets

Some recommendations consist of order sets. The request body would have to contain 4 service requests with CPT codes matching the order recommendations:


Note that, in the example above, CT chest and abdomen is a combined order.

If not all 4 orders are provided the outcome is an incomplete order and is not appropriate.

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