LogicNets Base System (LN-B)

  • updated 1 yr ago

License basis: per user of LogicNets-generated applications


  2. Supports use of both named and concurrent user licenses
  3. Minimum of 5 named user licenses (NU) or 2 concurrent user licenses (CU) per customer
  4. Access by external systems via web services without referencing associated named users requires the Enterprise License option
  5. Use Case and Function Frameworks are optionally layered over the Base System to automate sophisticated application behavior through which the organization’s modeled logic can execute

LN-B Description

The Base System is the core functionality of the LogicNets run-time system.  It includes the LogicNets decision engine; the range of parts that represent user-configurable functions and operators that can be executed in a decision step; web services-based connectors for secure interactions with both internal system clients and external environments; embedded data management; and all other aspects of runtime execution.  The LogicNets decision engine processes data objects from the data model for each active user session and also provides a persistent data store for system and user application data in the embedded RDBMS.  The base system collects and organizes  a standard set of data from running sessions to enable “standard reporting” for analyzing a variety of usage factors.

The Base System also includes the User and Access Management modules which are used by designated admin users (no additional license required) to control all access to the LogicNets system and the applications it generates.  The Base System includes the Logon package which allows users to present their credentials and then references the User Management module to either route the user to a specific application or to the User Portal – a user’s optional home screen where all available applications and the user’s account settings are presented.  

Users can access User Management to manage their credentials.  Admin users can be assigned additional roles, allowing them to manage other users of both the base system and of applications created using Framework applications.  Admin users have access to a standard set of reporting tools that permit tracking and analysis of system, application, and modeled content usage and related user activity.  

The base system also provides functionality to manage installed packages, system configurations and it provides standard table-based reporting functionality drawing on session history data.

Services and Deployment Considerations

No additional services are required for deployment of the LogicNets Base System.

The LogicNets embedded RDBMS is entirely transparent to the customer and requires no specific administration activities beyond general administration of the LogicNets installation by the assigned admin user(s).  Note that customers can elect to connect their LogicNets Base System installation to supported external RDBMS systems including AWS RDS, MS-SQL, MySQL, and Oracle. (note: these options may include additional costs)


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